Friday, June 17, 2011

Life is partly what we make it and partly what it is made by the friends we choose. ~Tennessee Williams

"We're having a baby AND we're getting MARRIED!!!!"

A recent email exchange with some of my favorite ladies...

L:Just wanted to let you ladies was a very happy easter here in Atlanta ...the Easter Bunny brought me carats instead of carrots :) :) :) HEHEHEHEHEHEHE!!!!! YAYAYAYAY!!!

K: AHHHHHH!!!! YES YES YES :-) Can you please send a picture??? Also, when can we get together IN PERSON to discuss more? Tomorrow night? SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

L: Thanks guys :) I was so excited to tell you all!!! I will be back tomorrow night. We should set up something for later in the week!! I will send you a pic of the ring as soon as we get some downloaded!

K: I am free any night this week! We can go out, (or) I am happy to host at my place, (or) we can come to your place. Yay! Thanks for sending us a special message to let us know :-)

L: WE HAVE TO GO SEE THE "BRIDESMAIDS" MOVIE TOGETHER!! Maybe friday?! Then din? Let me see what the week brings... We are in Atlanta til tomorrow night then back in DC on Wednesday morning.

J: Hahaha, yes we do!! Bad news: the bridesmaid movie doesn't come out until may 13th...But we all do need to get together..Friday would work great. Champagne must be involved!

H: Ahhhhh...can we see the Bridesmaid move on May 21? So jealous I can't be with you this week!! Everyone should have at least one extra glass of Champagne for me...who am I kidding, everyone should have at least one extra bottle of champagne for me!!!

J: ....We're having a baby AND we're getting MARRIED!!!! Haha, so exciting!!

K: This is a big year for US :-D I'm convinced Nashville is a magical place- that makes dreams come true!


Just wanted to share because every time I think of this conversation it makes me smile!!!!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

21 Weeks

I realize my last post was more recent than 21 weeks ago; however, I feel the need to revisit the last 21 weeks (or at least 19) to completely relay what we’ve been up to!

On 29 January 2011 we celebrated Eric’s 37th birthday with a very spirited fiesta. There was a taco bar, margarita bar, and ice cream sundae bar. Not to mention an incredible cake and sparklers. A great time was had by all; so much so that we now affectionately refer to Eric’s birthday celebration as “THE day.”

In February, still unaware of the impact of “THE day” I went on a wonderful trip with my friend Clare to NYC. We had a blast, but I could not figure out why I was so exhausted!

We returned from NYC 19 February and on 24 February:

Eric was in DC…I sent him a text message. Evidently, I’m not the best at sharing big news.

5 March we told our families. They were thrilled. (That was week 6 if you are counting)

12 March we went on the General Jackson dinner cruise with my parents. I fell asleep despite the blaring music.

18 March the baby attended his first DC United soccer match and I told the DC girls that we are having a baby. 3 April we were able to see our little on for the first time. Hillary termed it the Gummy Bear picture.

18 April (13 weeks) we saw the little on again. This was an unscheduled ultrasound and Eric was in DC, but I found out that day that we are having a little BOY! 21 April was another United match and some time with Eric in DC. Little man already has a jersey ready for next season!!

Mother’s Day weekend, May 5, was spent at the Kentucky Derby (I forgot my hat!). I occupied a lawn chair in the Infield the entire day, but the people-watching was nice!

The next weekend (16 weeks) we celebrated Andrew’s graduation, Barrett moved, and Eric and dad began working on the nursery. The month of May also included visiting preschools which is possibly one of the most overwhelming tasks to date!!!

21 May we headed back to DC. The weekend included a trip to Annapolis to by the little guy a model sailboat, brunch with some of my favorite ladies, and DC United soccer.

Memorial Day weekend brought more work on the nursery, which has expanded to re-carpeting three bedrooms, re-plumbing the HVAC, new electrical work, some minor carpentry, and a new coat of paint on several rooms. It also entailed a major shopping trip with my mom and Hillary for maternity and baby clothes.

7 June Eric and I celebrated 8 years of marriage. It was also my 20 week appointment and the “BIG” ultrasound. Even though we had been told we are having a boy, it was still a big day for looking at all of his measurements and making sure he is healthy.

10 June we headed to the beach with mom and dad. It was a fabulous, relaxing trip, but we did make time for a little baby shopping!!

October 27 is quickly approaching and we are beyond excited to meet our little guy. It has been a very interesting few months!! I have realized that there is nothing that is unaffected by pregnancy…my nose is stuffy for no apparent reason, sometimes I don’t hear well, I’m sobbing one minute and laughing hysterically the next, and sleeping through the night is impossible. Eric has been the most amazing husband anyone could ask for…he hasn’t even gotten annoyed with my constant adjusting of the thermostat!!

I am positive that our life with a child, much like our lives to date, will be anything but conventional; I am also positive that it will be an amazing journey.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Find Peace in Your Practice

I have not really felt inspired lately to write for the masses (or the 5 of you who read this!); however, I do want to share an email I received this week from Zen Yoga Bali. The director of Zen Yoga Bali and author of the email, Cassie, is the former director of the studio where I practice and I think it is a great piece. We are in the process of educating ourselves about ayurveda in our home in an effort to become healthier and more centered; I will keep you posted on how it goes!


What is it that drives countless urban practitioners’ to work so hard in their yoga practice? Even as droves of people turn to yoga for health and healing, American students are often attracted to extremely physical, athletic styles of yoga, forcing their bodies into their imagined idea of a “yoga Olympian” and wrestling themselves into a wet, sweating heap. It’s as if the person’s mind gets into a Greco-Roman wrestling match with its own body. So, even as we reach for peace, many attempt to use the same aggressive tools we’ve learned in the business and sports world:

Since these methods are taught in business and sports, it is understandable that many people try and use the same mindset in their yoga practice—but is it working? Our bodies are changing but are we any happier?

What the philosophy of yoga suggests is that a constant state of pushing, grasping, and goal setting is not only counterproductive in yoga, but ultimately damaging to our very spirit. Using these aggressive tools for every aspect of our life is like using a hammer on every job including brushing our teeth. Even when our body tries to tell us we’ve pushed it too far, we justify our frequent colds, flues, and headaches as acceptable side affects of our sacrifice for our career. The unspoken Faustian deal we make with ourselves, is that by sacrificing health, sleep, and happiness today, we believe we gain something much more significant tomorrow; power, respect, money, and position. We convince ourselves that once we achieve these goals, then we can take that long overdue vacation, then we can sleep, then w e can slow down and spend more time with our family, then we can be happy. The problem is that our children don’t wait for us; they continue to grow up while we work late day after day. Our health deteriorates often manifesting itself in strange symptoms such as digestive problems, severe PMS, or skin rashes that we try and make “go away” with medications. And the danger that we all secretly fear is that by the time we get to the top of the ladder, our children will be grown and barely know us, our neglected partners will no longer be interested in us, our health will be ruined, and most terrifyingly, that our ladder may be leaning on the wrong wall.

Because of this syndrome, many of us are locked-up and holding tension in our bodies and nervous systems on the level of combat veterans. This is why we grind our jaws in the night. This is why we awaken at three in the morning unable to fall back to sleep. Is working hard bad? On the contrary, the yoga sages tell us that hard work is a virtue, as long as it is part of our transformation and not the avoidance of it.

There’s a wonderful metaphor from the yoga tradition that vividly depicts the plight of the average person and points the way to a more meaningful life. It’s the carriage allegory. The carriage represents the body, the horses pulling the carriage represent the emotions, the driver is the mind, and the passenger is the soul (Atman). The story goes that the state of the average person is as follows; the carriage is in terrible disrepair, the horses are half-wild, the driver is unfocused and drunk, and the passenger is asleep. The passenger, a king or queen, is asleep, dreaming he/she is a peasant. Yoga, it is said, repairs the carriage (body), tames the horses (emotions), sobers and focuses the driver (mind), and ultimately - reawakens the passenger (soul). The soul then remembers his or her true purpose and instructs the driver on which route to take to their ultimate destination.

This is the purpose of yoga, anything less is simply exercise.

So, then why would we take this obsessive drive into a yoga class and hope to obtain new results utilizing the same old dysfunctional system? The answer is we can’t. We cannot use the same methods that make us tense and anxious, in order to learn to relax and become non-obsessive. And that is the dilemma.

Solving the dilemma is a process of reprioritizing our goals. If we acknowledge that what we want foremost is to be fulfilled and happy, we must be willing to transform more than mere muscle tissue. Yoga appears to be primarily physical, but what makes it radically different from western “workouts,” is that yoga is the harmonizing of:


Intention; mental focus, self-inquiry. Learning to discriminate between pure awareness and the objects of awareness.


Breathing and emotional focus. Involving concentration of feeling, and relationship with one’s higher Self, or surrender to God, in whatever form you understand it.


Involving a physical regime including movement or postures that infuse our life force and intention throughout our entire being.
Transformation comes when we make the effort simultaneously in all three pillars: body, mind, and breath (or spirit). As all three harmonize, we begin to experience ourselves more deeply, and we also happen to become stronger, more flexible, and calm. We even sleep peacefully through the night.


Here is a guideline of how to begin achieving a more meaningful practice and peaceful life:

The first thing to do is close your eyes and focus on your intention. In other words, aim at something. Dedicate your practice to a meaningful transition you wish to have in your life. An example here might be Peace, Forgiveness, or Patience. There is an old saying that if you aim at nothing you’re sure to hit it. But when you direct your mind and heart in one direction, it gives your actions great power.

Your spirituality, however you define it, can be infused into your body so your body radiates who you are from your soul – and what you stand for in this world.

Face it, one reason we are afraid to breathe deeply is because we know deep down that breath is connected to our emotions. If we are feeling stressed out and not paying much attention to our feelings, breathing deeply may be terrifying. So, we keep our breath small and shallow and erratic, no matter how many times our yoga teacher says, “Breathe deeply.” This can create two kinds of catastrophes. One is disease; unexpressed grief over decades can create diseases like cancer. Two, we can destroy our relationships; we tend to hurt the people we love the most because we are carrying our own emotional wounds that are invisible to the untrained eye.

Imagine trying to embrace someone who has open wounds under his clothes that you aren’t aware of. His reaction would be like a wounded animal lashing out. So, when we consciously utilize yoga breathing to heal, we heal these hidden wounds in this way, breathing practices can change our life because it changes our behavior, and that affects all of our relationships.

Practice your asanas (postures) with focus on your breath. Breathe into your heart center, breathe in light – filling the lungs completely, breathe out the past, that which you no longer need. If you have a spiritual practice, use your own visual image of God or name for God. Inhale as if you were inhaling the energy of God; exhale all that is not useful. Breathe into your entire body while in a posture, as you move, or as you hold in stillness.

When you begin to feel overwhelmed or fatigued, rather than push, rest a few moments. (Even machines need to rest.) Allow yourself to move into child’s pose at least four times in an hour and half practice. Learn the difference between an all-out state and a rest state. Many overachievers know only the concept of “all or nothing.” Explore the space between zero and ten. Try practicing at level seven, not ten. This will develop sensitivity, patience, and kindness.

Move your focus off your outer body and on to your inner body.
So, to really change how we practice, we need to first stop comparing and competing with ourselves and others, and start moving beyond thoughts of how our body looks. Many of us believe that if we were just a little more thin, a little more beautiful or handsome, our problems would be over.

Unfortunately, when we become obsessed and goal oriented with our appearance, we trade in one set of problems for another. We may “achieve” our physical goals but move even further away from joy and contentment. The obsessive drive seems to be getting us everything we want except happiness, and this is perhaps why two of the largest selling drugs in America are anti-depressants and anti-ulcer drugs.
One of the magical gifts of yoga is that whatever you apply yourself to and improve on in your practice, will be applicable to the outside world as well. So, as you learn to focus your mind in yoga – your focus will improve at work. As you become more patient with yourself and others in yoga, you will be more patient at home. As you become more joyful in yoga, you will be more joyful wherever you go. Imagine becoming a better person, and getting a healthier body as a side effect.

Remember, if mastering yoga postures were enough to transform us into spiritual masters, then people would be flocking to the athletes in Cirque Du Soleil to seek spiritual advice. The physical asanas alone do not necessarily make us happier, more spiritual, or more content human beings. But when one is inspired by an intent to transform, and from this intention we breathe, then the mind quiets and the energetic heart center begins to open. When this happens, grace happens - change happens. The yoga postures and breath are tools to rebuild ourselves. The goal is not to ties ourselves in knots - we’re clearly already tied in knots. The aim is to untie the knots in our heart. The aim is to unite with the ultimate, loving, and peaceful power in the universe.


Thursday, February 3, 2011

Read All About It!

I don’t watch the news on television; I prefer reading it. I actually prefer holding the newspaper in my hands, curling up in a comfy chair, and drinking my coffee while reading…but that isn’t exactly the most practical activity during the work week. Inasmuch, I settle for an actual newspaper on the weekend and the online version during the week. Tuesday morning of this week, as I perused the Most Emailed section, I found the most popular articles quite interesting.

Who would have ever thought that “Eat Less” would be the most earth-shattering recommendation the US Government has ever made with respect to the American diet. I think I actually asked “seriously?” out loud at my desk. You may be asking yourself (as I was) why it is that this is such a big deal. According to the New York Times, “While the recommendations may seem obvious, it is nonetheless considered major progress for federal regulators, who have long skirted the issue, wary of the powerful food lobby.”

After reading about the revolutionary work my tax dollars are funding, I was more than a little frustrated. Fortunately, the next item I opened provided a little solace. According to this blog, “researchers report that those who meditated for about 30 minutes a day for eight weeks had measurable changes in gray-matter density in parts of the brain associated with memory, sense of self, empathy and stress.” My husband, co-workers, and friends have many times commented about what a different person I am when I am devoted to my yoga practice. I have fallen a bit off the wagon recently, but I now have inspiration to re-devote my time and energy to practicing regularly. Combine this information with the recommendation for meditation in The Joy Diet and I would think something was seriously wrong with me if I didn’t feel compelled to begin meditating again.

I was suddenly feeling incredibly rejuvenated as a result of the promise of improved memory, sense of self, empathy and stress. The next item I skimmed revived my hope for humanity: Bush’s Daughter, in a Break, Endorses Gay Marriage. I do not intend to tackle this issue here, but I will say that I agree that this issue is “a matter of conscience and equality” and as Barbara Bush stated, “everyone should have the right to marry the person that they love.”

Finally, a little hope for our planet (and maybe our government as well). Fracking is a process of hydraulic fracturing used to extract oil and gas. It has long been opposed by many, but it seems that it is finally getting the attention of the federal government. “’We learned that no oil and gas service companies have sought — and no state and federal regulators have issued — permits for diesel fuel use in hydraulic fracturing,’ said Representative Henry A. Waxman of California.” It is then explained by the oil and gas companies how it really wasn’t their fault at all: “Oil and gas companies acknowledged using diesel fuel in their fracking fluids, but they rejected the House Democrats’ assertion that it was illegal. They said that the E.P.A. had never properly developed rules and procedures to regulate the use of diesel in fracking, despite a clear grant of authority from Congress over the issue.” It is disheartening that industries will take advantage in any way possible even if it means destroying water supplies for entire communities. I visited Waxman’s office in DC almost 7 years ago and was very impressed with his initiatives and the competency of his staff; I can only hope that his voice will be heard and that this issue will finally get the attention it deserves.

In other news: Confessions Update

*I still haven’t finished (or even touched) the half-re-upholstered chair. Maybe this weekend…

*Last week I made major progress on one of our biggest renovation projects, the stairs. We are not quite finished, but I’m a step (actually 17 steps) closer to not having our renovation as an excuse. Plus, we actually did a really thorough job of cleaning most of the house!

*Still working on the hair washing thing…I have only worn a pony tail one day this week. This is a pretty good indication that things are improving!

*I cut all of my fingernails off and am getting a manicure this weekend. It’s the best solution I’ve identified. Progress!
I think I’m going to be taking a major step in the direction of “what I do when I grow up” soon. Stay tuned!

*I’m making an effort to challenge myself in situations where I don’t know what to do, I do know what to do but don’t want to, and everything in between. This results in existing in a significantly uncomfortable state a lot of the time. I hope it is actually worth it.

*I still haven’t run, at all. I’m not sure it is going to happen anytime soon.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Joy Diet & ALL EYES

I am reading Martha Beck's The Joy Diet again. The timing is great because my friend just began ALL EYES: an experiment in self-improvement. A theme of self-awareness and honesty seems to be developing in my life. The Joy Diet encourages stepping outside of your comfort zone, conquering fears, and identifying your desires; ALL EYES is centered around confessions about areas of your life you want to improve. I have found that both have encouraged me to be more self-aware and brutally honest with and about myself.

I thought I would share my confessions from ALL EYES here and update as I address them. I think this will follow very closely with my progression through The Joy Diet. Here they are...shameful, disgusting, and somewhat ridiculous:
  • I have a half-re-upholstered chair in my garage that I started 2 years ago.

  • I use "we're doing a major renovation" as an excuse for always having a messy house.

  • I consider washing my hair every other day a serious victory.

  • I bite my fingernails.

  • I have no idea what I want to do "when I grow up."

  • Sometimes I pretend not to know how to do things just so I won't have to.

  • I talk about how much I love running all the time, but I haven't run more than 2 miles in months.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Good Morning!

I forgot to set my alarm for this morning. Never fear, I have a back-up... an overweight, needy, and demanding black cat. He INSISTS on being fed no later than 6am every morning (and 5pm and 10pm every evening). This isn't a new thing; he's been doing it for years. Yet, every time I try to sleep in I find myself trying to "hide" from him. In my sleepy state thinking that if I am really quiet he'll give up; as though he understands the concept of "mommy's sleeping." He's adorable and I'm a sucker for it. So, thank you Nicholas for waking me up at 5:38 this morning to make sure I got my day started on time.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Life is a tragedy when seen in close-up, but a comedy in long-shot

~Charlie Chaplin

Recently, I have been in the middle of some of the most ridiculous situations. Some very preventable and some just the luck of the draw. It's times like these that remind me why my friend Jeanne and I began declaring that we "suck at life." Although, I sometimes think that more than actually "sucking at life" we are just fortunate enough to be members of a very select group that attracts chaos. No complaints...when you attract chaos, life is always interesting.

For instance, in the last week I somehow developed both a viral and bacterial infection and had an allergic reaction to an antibiotic that did unmentionable things to my stomach while causing me to break out in hives; it snowed record amounts in Nashville; we had crazy deadlines at work; and UAB NAS asked me to be the featured Minute with a Member for January.

Fortunately, Eric has been a superstar taking care of me while I have been sick; the snow has been interesting; we met our deadlines; and the UAB thing is kinda fun.

Even when considering the positive aspects of a chaotic life, I've often aspired to be one of those individuals who can weather any storm; someone who can emerge from the most horrific situation appearing as though they just returned from a spa weekend.

However, I am not one of those individuals, regardless of any efforts I exert to the contrary, I will always appear as though I am in the middle of a category five tornado at the first sign of trouble.

It's who I am.

It's how I handle things.

I wouldn't be me if that changed.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

It might be instamatic flu

I've been sick for almost a week now. It is absolutely no fun whatsoever. Eric has done his best to entertain and comfort me - he came home with three kinds of ice cream last night to help my soar throat. Slowing down this long is an extremely difficult task for me. Even sick, I attempt to do things around the house; however, I tire quickly and end up back on the couch under my favorite quilt with a glass of Sprite.

Every time I get sick, I think of the Shel Silverstein poem Sick. My favorite part is "My leg is cut-my eyes are blue-It might be instamatic flu." I was the kid in the library in elementary school who wanted to know if instamatic flu was a real illness. I wish I were faking like little Peggy Ann McKay; unfortunately, I'm really sick.

I guess, until I can return to my usual schedule, I'll continue camping out on the couch, making lists of tasks that need to be performed, and catching up on daytime tv.

"Sick" By Shel Silverstein

'I cannot go to school today,'
Said little Peggy Ann McKay.
'I have the measles and the mumps,
A gash, a rash and purple bumps.
My mouth is wet, my throat is dry,
I'm going blind in my right eye.
My tonsils are as big as rocks,
I've counted sixteen chicken pox
And there's one more-that's seventeen,
And don't you think my face looks green?
My leg is cut-my eyes are blue-
It might be instamatic flu.
I cough and sneeze and gasp and choke,
I'm sure that my left leg is broke-
My hip hurts when I move my chin,
My belly button's caving in,
My back is wrenched, my ankle's sprained,
My 'pendix pains each time it rains.
My nose is cold, my toes are numb.
I have a sliver in my thumb.
My neck is stiff, my voice is weak,
I hardly whisper when I speak.
My tongue is filling up my mouth,
I think my hair is falling out.
My elbow's bent, my spine ain't straight,
My temperature is one-o-eight.
My brain is shrunk, I cannot hear,
There is a hole inside my ear.
I have a hangnail, and my heart is-what?
What's that? What's that you say?
You say today is...Saturday?
G'bye, I'm going out to play! '

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Lucky to have been where I have been

Do you hear me, I'm talking to you...
I turned 30 on December 3. The week of my birthday, I ate cupcakes for breakfast 4 days and worked 60 hours. That is not how I want to live my life.

Lucky to be coming home again...
Identifying how I don't want to live my life led to thinking a lot about how I became who I am today and the people that have influenced me.

In third grade in Mrs. Strickland's advanced math class, we had begun long division. I was sitting in the doctor's office with my mom and grandfather one afternoon working on my homework when my grandaddy looked at me and said "it looks like you like that." He was correct, I did. The next thing he said was "you should be an engineer." I didn't know what an engineer was at that point in my life, but because my grandaddy said I should be one and my grandaddy was my favorite person on this planet, I was determined I would be one.

Fast forward nine years to a conversation with my favorite teacher, Mrs. Tekulve. I spent a lot of time at that point in my life in a dead panic about being the best; being #1 on the math team, getting the best scholarships, and knowing exactly where my life was going. As I am rambling on and on one day about "what if this...what if that" she looked at me at said "who cares, Hef, you will be okay regardless." Why she called me Hef is another story entirely, but that I would be okay was something I needed to hear right then more than anything else.

Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed...
Around 17 or 18 I really started questioning a lot of things. I had most certainly "tested" boundaries before then, but I'm not sure I ever really put a lot of thought into why I believed the things I did and what the basis for my decisions were. I babysat 3 adorable children all through high school and late one night when I was staying with them I had a really interesting conversation with their mom. Today, I can't remember what started the conversation, but I will never forget what she told me: "your parents aren't always right." That seems so obvious today; no one is always right. However, at that time in my life, hearing someone say that was revolutionary.

Five years later, after I had finished undergrad and gotten married, I was having lunch with my friend Jennifer. I was at Georgia Tech at the time and interacting with some of the most liberal individuals I had ever encountered. I liked a lot of what I was hearing, but a lot of it was very different from what had been ingrained in me growing up in a small southern town. I remember sitting across from Jennifer in her living room and saying "how the hell do I figure out what I believe?" She looked at me and very directly said, "well, you just have to decide what basic principles are important to you and go from there." We had a long conversation about politics, religion, morality, and every other topic you can imagine. To this day I frequently go back to that conversation when I am conflicted about something.

You make it easier when life gets hard...
I am sure there are many more, but these are the ones that stand out in my mind most frequently. When I think about my career, when I question my beliefs, and when I need confidence in my decisions these are the conversations I remember.

I am grateful for these people, for their influence. I am grateful for the amazing people that are in my life today; for those who remind me where I came from and for those that challenge me to continue to where I am going.

Lucky to be in love with my best friend...
This year, I am determined, is going to be the best one yet. I am determined to leave the drama of 2010 behind and to have a calmer, less stressful year. I am fortunate to be in love with my very best friend, to be surrounded by incredible friends, and to have a loving family. With all of the good in my life, I can't imagine not having a good year.

Happy New Year!!