Thursday, February 3, 2011

Read All About It!

I don’t watch the news on television; I prefer reading it. I actually prefer holding the newspaper in my hands, curling up in a comfy chair, and drinking my coffee while reading…but that isn’t exactly the most practical activity during the work week. Inasmuch, I settle for an actual newspaper on the weekend and the online version during the week. Tuesday morning of this week, as I perused the Most Emailed section, I found the most popular articles quite interesting.

Who would have ever thought that “Eat Less” would be the most earth-shattering recommendation the US Government has ever made with respect to the American diet. I think I actually asked “seriously?” out loud at my desk. You may be asking yourself (as I was) why it is that this is such a big deal. According to the New York Times, “While the recommendations may seem obvious, it is nonetheless considered major progress for federal regulators, who have long skirted the issue, wary of the powerful food lobby.”

After reading about the revolutionary work my tax dollars are funding, I was more than a little frustrated. Fortunately, the next item I opened provided a little solace. According to this blog, “researchers report that those who meditated for about 30 minutes a day for eight weeks had measurable changes in gray-matter density in parts of the brain associated with memory, sense of self, empathy and stress.” My husband, co-workers, and friends have many times commented about what a different person I am when I am devoted to my yoga practice. I have fallen a bit off the wagon recently, but I now have inspiration to re-devote my time and energy to practicing regularly. Combine this information with the recommendation for meditation in The Joy Diet and I would think something was seriously wrong with me if I didn’t feel compelled to begin meditating again.

I was suddenly feeling incredibly rejuvenated as a result of the promise of improved memory, sense of self, empathy and stress. The next item I skimmed revived my hope for humanity: Bush’s Daughter, in a Break, Endorses Gay Marriage. I do not intend to tackle this issue here, but I will say that I agree that this issue is “a matter of conscience and equality” and as Barbara Bush stated, “everyone should have the right to marry the person that they love.”

Finally, a little hope for our planet (and maybe our government as well). Fracking is a process of hydraulic fracturing used to extract oil and gas. It has long been opposed by many, but it seems that it is finally getting the attention of the federal government. “’We learned that no oil and gas service companies have sought — and no state and federal regulators have issued — permits for diesel fuel use in hydraulic fracturing,’ said Representative Henry A. Waxman of California.” It is then explained by the oil and gas companies how it really wasn’t their fault at all: “Oil and gas companies acknowledged using diesel fuel in their fracking fluids, but they rejected the House Democrats’ assertion that it was illegal. They said that the E.P.A. had never properly developed rules and procedures to regulate the use of diesel in fracking, despite a clear grant of authority from Congress over the issue.” It is disheartening that industries will take advantage in any way possible even if it means destroying water supplies for entire communities. I visited Waxman’s office in DC almost 7 years ago and was very impressed with his initiatives and the competency of his staff; I can only hope that his voice will be heard and that this issue will finally get the attention it deserves.

In other news: Confessions Update

*I still haven’t finished (or even touched) the half-re-upholstered chair. Maybe this weekend…

*Last week I made major progress on one of our biggest renovation projects, the stairs. We are not quite finished, but I’m a step (actually 17 steps) closer to not having our renovation as an excuse. Plus, we actually did a really thorough job of cleaning most of the house!

*Still working on the hair washing thing…I have only worn a pony tail one day this week. This is a pretty good indication that things are improving!

*I cut all of my fingernails off and am getting a manicure this weekend. It’s the best solution I’ve identified. Progress!
I think I’m going to be taking a major step in the direction of “what I do when I grow up” soon. Stay tuned!

*I’m making an effort to challenge myself in situations where I don’t know what to do, I do know what to do but don’t want to, and everything in between. This results in existing in a significantly uncomfortable state a lot of the time. I hope it is actually worth it.

*I still haven’t run, at all. I’m not sure it is going to happen anytime soon.

1 comment:

    A safer drunk environment for us all.
    Thank you, Heather.
