Saturday, October 2, 2010

Hot Yoga: 30 Day Challenge

This week was rough. As I previously mentioned that I lost a colleague in a horrific accident last Saturday. In addition to this, last Thursday Eric was asked to return to Iraq for a couple of weeks. Two weeks is nothing compared to what we have endured previously, but it is still difficult. Needless to say, by Sunday I was feeling extremely overwhelmed. At that point, I turned to the only thing that has helped me focus during the chaos of the last year: Hot Yoga. By Thursday, I found myself committed to the 30 Day Challenge.

The 30 Day Challenge involves completing 30 classes in 30 days. I have heard about a number of people completing the challenge, but I never really thought I would try it. Every time I even thought about it, I had a long list of excuses for why I didn't have the time. I am not sure what came over me, but I signed up and now I'm going to do my best to succeed. Tomorrow is the first day I am going to attempt two classes in a single day; I hope I survive!!

I am going to attempt to write about my experience and how I am feeling. Thus far, I am primarily feeling really tired and sore. However, I have experienced a few really emotional classes, especially in the beginning of the week. My reactions after classes have ranged anywhere from euphoric to angry since I began practicing almost a year ago. I am curious if my reactions will become more consistent with regular practice or if they will become more extreme.

I am looking forward to the journey that attempting this challenge will take me on. When Eric returns I hope to be at least 21 classes into the challenge; I am interested in what changes he sees in me as a result.

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